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2005-01-13 :: 8:22 p.m.
Its a new year. Nothing new here.
I've fallen in love with my best friend. What to do? What to do?
My little Nikki girl (my beloved beagle) is dying before my eyes. Everyday she fades more and more.
It crushes my heart everytime I look at her. Thirteen years of unconditional love and companionship from this pure little soul.
I sit with her all night. Just sit and talk. And she looks at me with such soulful eyes. Eyes that Know.
Its so painful. Why can't animals live as long as humans? Live longer? They surely deserve to. Evil, decietful humans full of selfishness and greed, they live much, much too long.
But then again, animals are angels and they need to go back home to heaven.
I Love you Nikki, always, always will.
Last 5 Entries:
I'm nothing - 2005-02-19
Tiredness and Drama of the Feline kind. - 2005-02-10
falling over and falling again... - 2005-02-03
- - 2005-01-30
this aching - 2005-01-17